Common plant names.
Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter 'A', listed by common name. Click a letter of the alphabet to see a list of plants with common names beginning with that letter. Alternatively click here to see the plants listed alphabetically by botanic name.
Common name | Botanic name |
Aconite, Winter aconite | Eranthis hyemalis 'Guinea Gold' |
Adam's needle | Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword' |
African Bermuda grass | Cynodon incompletus |
African blackwood, Mpingo, Grenadilla, historically classified as African ebony | Dalbergia melanoxylon |
African daisy | Arctotis |
African daisy | Arctotis 'Flame' |
African daisy | Arctotis 'Red Devil' |
African Daisy, Rain Daisy, Cape Marigold, Osteospermum | Dimorphotheca pluvialis |
African lily | Agapanthus 'Midnight Star' |
African love grass, Weeping love grass | Eragrostis curvula |
African mallow, Cape mallow, dwarf hibiscus, false mallow | Anisodontea capensis |
African Oil Palm | Elaeis guineensis |
African olive | Olea africana |
African Olive | Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata |
African violet | Saintpaulia 'Moondust' |
Agapanthus, African lily | Agapanthus africanus 'Bressingham White' |
Agapanthus, African blue lily, African lily | Agapanthus africanus |
Ageratum | Ageratum 'Adriatic' |
Ageratum, Floss flower | Ageratum 'Blue Mink' |
Ageratum, Floss flower, Mexican paintbrush | Ageratum 'Blue Danube' |
Agrimony | Agrimonia |
Agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria |
Alder, Black Alder | Alnus glutinosa |
Alder buckthorn | Frangula alnus |
Alder buckthorn | Rhamnus frangula |
Alexanders | Smyrnium olusatrum |
Alexandra palm, King palm | Ptychosperma alexandrae |
Allspice, Jamaica pepper | Pimenta dioica |
Aloe vera, Barbados aloe | Aloe |
Aloe vera | Aloe vera |
Alpine azalea, Trailing azalea | Loiseleuria procumbens |
Alpine cat's tail | Phleum alpinum |
Alpine foxtail | Alopecurus borealis |
Alpine lady's mantle, Lady's mantle | Alchemilla alpina |
Alpine meadow grass | Poa alpina |
Alpine poppy, Dwarf poppy, Poppy | Papaver alpinum |
Alpine poppy, Rhaetian Alps poppy, Dwarf poppy, Poppy | Papaver alpinum subsp. rhaeticum |
Alpine primula | Primula marginata |
Alpine rush | Juncus alpinoarticulatus |
Alpine squill | Scilla bifolia |
Alpine strawberry, Woodland strawberry | Fragaria versca |
Alpine wallflower | Erysimum alpinum |
Alum root | Heuchera cylindrica |
Alum root | Heuchera cylindrica 'Greenfinch' |
Alum root, Coral bells | Heuchera |
Alyssum | Alyssum |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Carpet of Snow' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Golf Mix' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Little Dorrit' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Minimum' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Oriental Night' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Rosie O'Day' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Royal Carpet' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Snow Carpet' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Snow Crystals' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Snow Drift' |
Alyssum | Alyssum maritimum 'Wonderland' |
Alyssum | Alyssum saxatile var. compactum |
Alyssum | Alyssum saxatile |
Alyssum | Alyssum saxatile var. compactum 'Gold Dust' |
Alyssum, Sweet alyssum | Alyssum maritimum |
Alyssum, Sweet alyssum | Alyssum orientale |
Amaranthus | Amaranthus 'Molten Fire' |
Amaranthus, Love-lies-bleeding, Tassel flower | Amaranthus caudatus |
Amaryllis, Horseman's star | Amaryllis |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Benfica' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Chistmas Gift' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Dancing Queen' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Lady Jane' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Maestro' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Orange Sovereign' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum Spider Group 'Evergreen' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Magic Green' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Christmas Star' |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum 'Snow Queen' |
American beech | Fagus grandifolia |
American blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium montanum |
American Boneset, March Sage | Eupatorium perfoliatum |
American fox sedge, Common fox sedge | Carex vulpinoidea |
American garlic | Allium unifolium |
American heath aster | Aster ericoides |
American lime, Basswood | Tilia americana |
American mahonia, Mahonia, Oregan grape | Mahonia aquifolium |
American marram | Ammophila breviligulata |
American needle grass | Stipa neesiana |
American pondweed | Potamogeton epihydrus |
American skink cabbage | Lysichiton americanus |
American slough grass | Beckmannia syzigachne |
American trout lily, Mahogany fawn lily | Erythronium revolutum |
American violet, Sweet white violet | Viola blanda |
Anemone | Anemone blanda 'Blue Star' |
Anemone | Anemone blanda 'Radar' |
Anemone, Garden anemone | Anemone coronaria De Caen Group The Bride |
Anemone | Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' |
Anemone, Windflower | Anemone x hybrida 'Königin Charlotte' ('Queen Charlotte') |
Anemone, Windflower | Anemone x hybrida 'Margarette' |
Anemone | Anemone x hybrida 'Elegance' |
Anemone | Anemone multifida |
Anemone | Anemone coronaria De Caen Group 'The Bride' |
Angel Hair | Macrochloa tenacissima |
Angel wings, Sea cabbage | Senecio candidans 'Angel Wings' |
Angel's tears | Brugmansia suaveolens |
Angel's trumpet, Trumpet flower, Horn of plenty, Golden Angel's trumpet | Brugmansia aurea |
Angel's trumpets, Datura | Brugmansia arborea 'Knightii' |
Angel's trumpets, Tree datura | Brugmansia |
Angels' fishing rod | Dierama pulcherrimum |
Angular Solomon's-seal | Polygonatum odoratum |
Anise Hyssop | Agastache foeniculum |
Annual beard grass | Polypogon monspeliensis |
Annual meadow grass | Poa annua |
Annual vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum aristatum |
Antwerp hollyhock, Fig-leaved hollyhock, Hollyhock | Alcea ficifolia |
Apothecary's rose | Rosa gallica 'Versicolor' |
Apothecary's rose, Old red damask, Red rose of Lancaster, Crimson damask rose, French rose | Rosa gallica var. officinalis |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Elstar' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Alison's Orange' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Annie Elizabeth' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Arthur Turner' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Beauty of Bath' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Blenheim Orange' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Bolero' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Bountiful' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Bramley' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Charles Ross' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Charlotte' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Chiver's Delight' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Crawley Beauty' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Crispin' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Discovery' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Egremont Russet' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Ellison's Orange' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Emneth Early' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Fiesta' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Flamenco' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Gavin' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'George Cave' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Glory of England' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Greensleeves' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Herefordshire Beefing' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Howgate Wonder' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'James Grieve' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Keswick Codlin' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Kidd's Orange Red' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'King of the Pippins' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Lanes Prince Albert' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Laxton's Superb' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Lord Derby' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Newton Wonder' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Ploka' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Spartan' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Sunset' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Suntan' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'The Queen' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Waltz' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Worcester Pearmain' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Braeburn' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Tommy White' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Ambassy' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Lord Lambourne' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Reverend W. Wilks' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'St. Edmund's Pippin' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Falstaff' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Katy' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Meridian' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Pinova' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Queen Cox' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Saturn' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Winter Gem' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Ashmead's Kernel' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Royal Gala' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Adams Pearmain' |
Apple | Malus domestica 'Veitch's Perfection' |
Apple mint, Mint, Round-leaved mint | Mentha rotundiflora |
Apple mint, Round-leaved mint, Woolly mint | Mentha suaveolens |
Apple, Orchard apple | Malus domestica |
Apricot | Prunus armeniaca |
Aquilegia, Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata 'Nora Barlow' (Barlow series Series) |
Argentinian vervain | Verbena bonariensis |
Armstrong's Whipcord Hebe | Hebe armstrongii |
Arrow bamboo | Pseudosasa japonica |
Arrowhead | Sagittaria sagittifolia |
Artemisia, Western mugwort | Artemisia ludoviciana |
Arum lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' |
Arum lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' |
Arum lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Little Gem' |
Ash | Fraxinus |
Ash, Common ash | Fraxinus excelsior |
Asian birch | Betula utilis var. jaquemontii |
Asian firethorn | Pyracantha rogersiana 'Flava' |
Asian mahonia, Mahonia | Mahonia japonica |
Asian skunk-cabbage, White skunk cabbage | Lysichiton camtschatcensis |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Ariane' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Blacklim' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Connovers Colossal' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Jersey Giant' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Millennium' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Pacific 2000' |
Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis 'Purple Pacific' |
Aspen | Populus tremula |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Ada Ballard' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Crimson Brocade' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Eventide' |
Aster | Aster 'Giant Princess Azure Blue' |
Aster | Aster 'Giants of California' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Lady Frances' |
Aster | Aster 'Lady in Blue' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Rose Bonnet' |
Aster | Aster 'Single Giant' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Winston S Churchill' |
Aster | Aster cordifolius |
Aster | Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow' |
Aster | Aster ericoides 'Ester' |
Aster | Aster lateriflorus 'Horizontalis' |
Aster | Aster novae-angliae 'Lou Williams' |
Aster | Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Carnival' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Fellowship' |
Aster | Aster novi-belgii 'Marie Ballard' |
Astilbe | Astilbe |
Astilbe | Astilbe 'Fanal' |
Astrantia | Astrantia major 'Roma' PBR |
Atlas Cedar, Blue Atlas Cedar | Cedrus atlantica |
Aubergine, Eggplant, Egg plant, Brinjal | Solanum melongena |
Aubergine, Egg plant | Solanum melongena 'Long Purple' |
Aubergine, Eggplant | Solanum melongena 'Moneymaker' |
Aubergine, Egg plant | Solanum melongena 'Ophelia' |
Aubergine, Egg plant | Solanum melongena 'Pintung Long' |
Aubergine, Egg plant, Brinjal | Solanum melongena 'Baby Belle' |
Aubergine, Eggplant | Solanum melongena 'Scorpio' F1 hybrid |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta 'Elsa Lancaster' |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta Large flowered hybrids |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta deltoidea |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta 'Argenteovariegata' AGM |
Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia | Aubrieta 'Barker’s Double' |
Aunt aliza | Crocosmia paniculata |
Auricula, Mountian Cowslip, Alpine auricula, Primula | Primula auricula |
Australian tree fern, Soft tree fern, Common tree fern | Dicksonia antarctica |
Australian tree fern, Soft tree fern | Balantium antarcticum |
Australian tree fern, Cooper's tree fern, Tree fern | Cyathea cooperi |
Austrian copper rose | Rosa foetida 'Bicolor' |
Austrian pine | Pinus nigra var. austriaca |
Austrian yellow | Rosa foetida |
Autumn cherry, Winter-flowering cherry, Rosebud cherry | Prunus x subhirtella 'Autumnalis' |
Autumn crocus | Crocus nudiflorus |
Autumn daffodil, Winter daffodil | Sternbergia lutea |
Autumn fern, Japanese painted fern | Dryopteris erythrosora |
Autumn lady's tresses | Spiranthes spiralis |
Autumn squill | Scilla autumnalis |
Avens | Geum |
Avens | Geum 'Totally Tangerine' PBR |
Avens | Geum coccineum 'Werner Arends' |
Avens | Geum 'Mrs J Bradshaw' |
Avens | Geum 'Coral Tempest' |
Avens, Geum | Geum 'Lady Stratheden' |
Awned Canary grass | Phalaris paradoxa |
Azalea | Azalea 'Bodnant Red' |
Azalea | Azalea 'Curlew' |
Azalea | Rhododendron 'Bodnant Red' |
Azalea | Rhododendron 'Curlew' |
Azoricus thyme | Thymus caespititius |