Rose - Rosa

Once planted roses will take a couple of years to get established.

The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) for roses includes over 300 varieties.

Most bare root and container grown roses are grafted onto a rootstock. When planting bare-root roses, the graft joint should be a couple of inches (5cm) below the soil level. Keep them well watered and mulched.

If you are planting a rose where one has previously grown, it's worth replacing some of the soil in the planting hole, to reduce replant disease.

Million of roses are now grown in Ecuador. Dark red is the prefered colour of cut roses in Europe, whilst North Americas prefer a pinker red.

Traditionally roses are underplanted with campanulas and salvias, which can reduce mildew infection.

Cultivars and varieties:

Rosa 'Abraham Darby'

Rosa 'Alberic Barbier' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Albertine' (Rambling rose) - Salmon coloured flowers. Prone to mildew.

Rosa 'Alchymist'

Rosa 'All Gold'

Rosa 'Aloha' - A fairly old variety that is as happy climbing on an obelisk, pillar on a wall or as free-standing shrub rose. Mid-pink, classic shaped rose flower. Grows up to 6ft/2m.

Rosa 'Amber Queen' (Floribunda) - Scented. Long flowering season.

Rosa 'Anne Cocker' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Antique' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Auguste Gervais' (Rambling rose) - Pale pink flowers.

Rosa 'Ausa6b15' - A repeat-flowering, shrub rose with medium sized, apricot flowers and a medium, fruity fragrance. A David Austin bred rose.

Rosa 'Ausb18a15' (Shrub rose) - A medium size, shrub rose with rich pink ruffled flowers. A David Austin rose.

Rosa 'Ausbord' (English shrub rose/Old fashioned rose) - Bright, mid-pink flowers and deep, old rose fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausbreeze' (English shrub rose) - A David Austin, repeat-flowering rose with medium-sized, pink flowers.

Rosa 'Auscanary' - A light golden yellow flowered climbing rose. Grows well on a shady or north facing wall or scrambling over a garden structure.

Rosa 'Auscartoon' (English shrub rose) - A David Austin, repeat flowering rose with single, pale-yellow flowers. A low-maintenance shrub rose, with good disease resistance.

Rosa 'Auschar' - A repeat flowering, David Austin rose with pale apricot flowers.

Rosa 'Auscousin' - A David Austin rose. Red buds opening to a pinky-salmon colour.

Rosa 'Auscrowd' - A vigorous growing, shrub rose with large, cerise, double flowers with a strong, fruity fragrance. David Austin Roses describe this as one of the top 5 roses for fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausearnshaw' - Pale pink flowers opening to a full ruffled flower with a yellow tinted centre. According to David Austin Roses, this is one of the top 5 roses for fragrance.

Rosa 'Auseasel' ((S)) - A free-flowering, creamy, pale-yellow, David Austin rose that will tolerate shade but requires some sunlight to encourage flowering.

Rosa 'Ausernie' - A vigorous growing, shrub rose with large, pale orange, double flowers with a medium Myrrh fragrance. A David Austin rose.

Rosa 'Aushouse' - Bright, deep-pink double flowers. According to David Austin Roses, this is one of the top 5 roses for fragrance.

Rosa 'Auskindling' (English shrub rose) - Pure white flowers.

Rosa 'Auskitchen' - A David Austin, English shrub rose. A repeat-flowering shrub rose with rich, deep-pink flowers. Looks great in a large pot on the patio. It will grow well and flower in partial shade.

Rosa 'Ausmajesty' - A David Austin, English shrub rose. Repeat flowering, pale, baby pink flowers with a feint, pale yellow centre. A sweet, old rose fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausmerchant' (English shrub rose) - Dark pink, full, cup-shaped flowers with a great fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausmixture' (English shrub rose) - A medium sized, low-maintenance shrub rose with good disease resistance from David Austin. It's a repeat flowering rose with large, mid-pink, rosette flowers from early summer through to autumn. A light, fruity fragrance. Grows well in shady parts of the garden.

Rosa 'Ausnyson' - Large, pinky-orange flowers. Free flowering and good disease resistance. From David Austin Roses.

Rosa 'Ausorts' - A light pink flowered climbing rose. Grows well on a shady or north facing wall or scrambling over a garden structure.

Rosa 'Ausowlish' (English shrub rose) - Multiple, small, light-golden yellow flowers.

Rosa 'Auspaddle' - A David Austin, English shrub rose. Deep pink, peony-shaped flowers.

Rosa 'Auspeet' - Custard yellow flowers. According to David Austin Roses, this is one of the top 5 roses for fragrance.

Rosa 'Auspike' (English shrub rose) - A David Austin, repeat flowering shrub rose with medium-sized, cerise flowers.

Rosa 'Ausprior' (Climbing rose) - A disease resistant, climbing rose with lots of pure white flowers. According to David Austin Roses, this is one of the top 5 roses for fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausquirk' - A repeat-flowering rose with small, white flowers.

Rosa 'Ausrapper' - A David Austin rose. Pure white flowers.

Rosa 'Ausraveloe' (English shrub rose) - A David Austin, repeat-flowering rose with medium-sized, mid-pink flowers with a good fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausrimini' (Climbing rose) - A climbing rose with mid-pink, medium size flowers that have a strong, myrrh fragrance.

Rosa 'Ausrumba' (English shrub rose) - A David Austin, repeat-flowering rose with medium-sized, light pink flowers with a strong fragrance.

Rosa 'Austiger' (Repeat flowering) - A David Austin, English shrub rose. with beautiful, pale pink, cup-shaped flowers.

Rosa 'Auswinston' - A David Austin rose with cerise flowers.

Rosa 'Avon' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Ballerina' (Weeping standard rose) - Grown as a standard rose, covered in a mass of small white flowers with blush pink to the ends of the petals, yellow stamens. Flowers through december.

Rosa 'Bantry Bay' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Belle Hit' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Berkshire' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Betty Prior'

Rosa 'Birthday Girl' (Floribunda)

Rosa 'Blairii No. 2'

Rosa 'Blanche Double de Coubert' [AGM] (Rugosa rose) - A vigourous, medium sized, old fashioned rose. Large, semi-double white flowers.

Rosa 'Blessings' - A small hybrid tea shrub rose with clusters of salmon-pink flowers from summer through to autumn.

Rosa 'Blush Noisette' - Pale pink flowers.

Rosa 'Bobbie James' (Rambling rose) - Rambler rose.

Rosa 'Bonica' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Breath of Life' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Bright Smile' (Floribunda)

Rosa 'Buff Beauty' [AGM] (HM) - Pale apricot-gold coloured flowers.

Rosa 'Burgundy Ice' - Introduced in 2005. Burgundy flowers from early summer through to winter. Disease resistant.

Rosa 'Buttercup' - Semi-double yellow flower. Maximum height of 3ft (90cm). Disease resistant. Available from David Austin Roses.

Rosa 'Cardinal Richeleau' - Old fashioned English rose.

Rosa 'Chapeau de Napoleon'

Rosa 'Charles de Mills'

Rosa 'Chilterns' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'City Lights' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Clarence House' - Pale yellow flowers from mid-summer. A climbing rose.

Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Comte de Chambord' (Edwardian rose) - An Edwardian rose with a mid-pink coloured flower.

Rosa 'Constance Spry' (Climbing rose) - Deeply perfumed flowers from the start of June.

Rosa 'Cornelia' (Shrub rose) - Pale pink flowers until mid to late November.

Rosa 'Cottage Rose' - An old-fashioned type rose with bushy habit and mid-pink flowers. Flowers all summer. Bred by David Austin.

Rosa 'Cuisse de Nymphe'

Rosa 'Danse du Feu' (Climbing rose) - Scarlet coloured flowers.

Rosa 'Deep Secret'

Rosa 'Diamond' - Patio rose.

Rosa 'Direktör Benschop' (Floribunda) - A climbing rose with glossy, dark green leaves and white and pale lemon, semi-double flowers.

Rosa 'Dr Herbert Gray' - Pink flowered, dwarf rose from David Austin Roses.

Rosa 'Duc de Guiche' (Old fashioned rose) - An old fashioned French rose, lots of red petals and good scent, 5-6 weeks of flowering.

Rosa 'Dunwich Rose' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Ebb Tide' - A plum coloured rose with a good fragrance.

Rosa 'Elmshorn' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Ena Harkness' - Climbing rose.

Rosa 'English Garden' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'English Mist'

Rosa 'Essex' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Fancy Hit' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Felicia' - Old rose flowers until mid to late November.

Rosa 'Ferdinand Pichard' [AGM] (Shrub rose) - Repeat flowering, bush rose growing to 4ft/1.2m. Mauve flowers with white stripes.

Rosa 'Ferdy' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'First Love' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Flower Carpet' (Shrub rose) - Patio rose, apricot to salmon in colour.

Rosa 'Flower Power' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Frau Dagmar Hartopp' (Shrub rose) - Hybrid of Rosa rugosa.

Rosa 'Fred Loads' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Freedon' (Hybrid Tea) - A good cut rose and good resistance to rain damage.

Rosa 'Fritz Nobis' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' (Shrub rose) - Hybrid of Rosa rugosa.

Rosa 'Fruhlingsgold' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Fruhlingsmorgen' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'General Kleber' (Moss rose)

Rosa 'Gentle Touch' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Gloire de Dijon' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Golden Dawn'

Rosa 'Golden Embelm'

Rosa 'Golden Showers' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Golden Wings' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Graham Thomas' - Rounded flowers.

Rosa 'Grandmere Jenny'

Rosa 'Great Maiden's Blush'

Rosa 'Grouse' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Guinee' - Climbing deep burgundy flower with lovely fragrance.

Rosa 'Hampshire' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Handel' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Hannah Gordon' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Hansa' (Rugosa rose) - Double, pinkish-purple flowers.

Rosa 'Harquill' [AGM] ((C1HT)) - Small clusters of white, semi-double flowers.

Rosa 'Hertfordshire' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Hot Chocolate' - Mid-orangey brown, peony-shaped flowers. Small shrub, ideal for containers and patio planters.

Rosa 'Iceberg' [AGM] (Floribunda) - A very popular and well known Floribunda (lots of clusters of flowers) rose. Pale pink flower buds opening to medium-sized, white flowers with repeat flowering continuing through to December. Grows to 4ft (1.2m). It can be susceptible to disease.

Rosa 'Ingenious Mr Fairchild'

Rosa 'Ingrid Bergman' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Ispahan' (Old fashioned rose) - Bright pink flowers.

Rosa 'Joie de Vivre' - Fragrant, pale-pink flowers. Rose of the year 2011. Good disease resistance. Compact growth, good for container or small garden.

Rosa 'Just Joey'

Rosa 'Keepsake' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Kiftsgate' - A very vigorous rambling climber. Large sprays of off-white flowers, with bright red hips in the autumn.

Rosa 'Königin von Dänemark' [AGM] - Pale grey-green foliage. Old-fashioned type of rose. Quartered, mid-pink flowers at the height of summer, fading to pale pink as they age.

Rosa 'Korholst' (S/HT)

Rosa 'Kormeita' (Climbing rose) - Clusters of mid-pink, double flowers, dark foliage and with a good fragrance.

Rosa 'Korresia' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'L.D. Braithwaite'

Rosa 'Lady Belper'

Rosa 'Little Bo-Peep' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Little Buckaroo' (Minature rose)

Rosa 'Louise Odier' (Bourbon rose) - Bright pink double flower.

Rosa 'Lovers Meeting' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Macmillan Nurse' (Shrub rose) - Fragrant, double creamy-white flowers.

Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrière' [AGM] - A pale cream flowered, climbing rose with a good fragrance.

Rosa 'Madame de la Roche-lambert' - An old moss rose, moss looking growth on the stems, deep magenta flowers, rubbing the flower buds give a scent of pine.

Rosa 'Madame Grégoire Staechelin'

Rosa 'Madame Hardy' [AGM] (Damask rose) - White flowers with a green centre.

Rosa 'Madame Isaac Pereire' - Large deep-pink/mauve flowers, throughout the summer. Free standing shrub rose 4-5ft or small climber, strong fragrance. From Peter Beale Roses.

Rosa 'Madame Louis Leveque' - A moss rose with pale pink, double flowers.

Rosa 'Magic Carrousel' (Minature rose)

Rosa 'Maigold' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Malaga' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Mandarin' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Margaret Greville' - A free-flowering rose with tight pale pink buds, opening to semi-double salmon pink flowers. Grows to 4ft and will tolerate poor soil. From Peter Beales roses.

Rosa 'Marie-Boisselot'

Rosa 'Mary Pope' (Bush rose) - Rounded flower. Rose H.T.

Rosa 'Mary Rose' - Rounded flower.

Rosa 'Melody Maker' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Miss Dior' - Light pink. Plant growers - Harkness.

Rosa 'Moonbeam'

Rosa 'Moonlight' - White flowers.

Rosa 'Mountbatten' (Floribunda) - Large yellow flowers. Bushy plant.

Rosa 'Mr. Bluebird' (Minature rose)

Rosa 'Munstead Wood' - Grows well on light, sandy soil. Purple flowers.

Rosa 'mutabilis' - Pink foliage in the spring, long-lasting yellow flowers that fade to orange. Orange hips in the autumn.

Rosa 'Neige d'Avril' - Edwardian rose. White flowers.

Rosa 'Nevada'

Rosa 'New Dawn' (Rambling rose) - Pink.

Rosa 'New Fashion' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Nozomi' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Nuits de Young' - Dark red flowers, flowers in July.

Rosa 'Orange Sensation' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Orange Sunblaze' (Minature rose) - Height to 1ft.

Rosa 'Paul Shirville' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Paul Transon' - French rose, orange-pink, vigorous rambler with a long flowering period.

Rosa 'Paulii' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Paul's Himalayan Musk'® - An old-fashion, repeat-flowering, climbing and rambling rose. They have pale pink flowers with a good fragrance. Whilst not bred by them, this rose is available from David Austin Roses.

Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet' - Climbing rose. Clusters of red flowers.

Rosa 'Pax' - Old rose.

Rosa 'Peace Rose' - Large yellow flowers.

Rosa 'Pearl Drift' - 1m (3ft) semi-double pink flowers from summer through to autumn. Prune after flowering or early spring.

Rosa 'Peek-a-Boo' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Penelope' (Shrub rose) - Flowers until mid to late November.

Rosa 'Penny Lane' - Climber, repeat-flowering good scent. Plant growers - Harkness.

Rosa 'Peotical Liz' - A new cultivar that is as happy climbing on an obelisk, pillar on a wall or as free-standing shrub rose. Full, double pale-yellow flowers when they first open, aging to a more open flower head with a lovely fragrance. Grows up to 6ft/2m.

Rosa 'Pheasant' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Phylis Rose'

Rosa 'Piccadilly' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Pink and White Patio' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Pink Perpetue'

Rosa 'Pink Wave' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Polar Star' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Pompon de Bourgogne' - Small flowers.

Rosa 'Pour Toi' (Minature rose)

Rosa 'Pride of England' - Rose of the English Football Association.

Rosa 'Prince William'

Rosa 'Princess Alexandra'

Rosa 'Princess Alice' (Floribunda)

Rosa 'Prosperity'

Rosa 'Pure Bliss'

Rosa 'Pure Hit' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Purple Tiger'

Rosa 'Queen Mother' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Rambling Rector' - A vigorous climbing, rambling rose covered in lots of small, white flowers.

Rosa 'Raymond Blanc' - Pink flowered. Introduced in 2005.

Rosa 'Rebecca Claire' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Red Bells' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Red Blanket' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Red Max Graf' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Redgold' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Regensberg' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Robert le Diable'

Rosa 'Rose Gaujard' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Roseraie de l'hay' [AGM] (Rugosa rose) - Vigorous, medium sized shrub with pinkish-purple flowers.

Rosa 'Royal Gold' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Royal Salute' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Royal William' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Ruby Wedding' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Sander's White Rambler' [AGM] - Fully-double, white flowers in late-summer. A vigourous climer.

Rosa 'Scarlet Fire' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Scarlet Patio' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Schoolgirl' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Sea Pearl' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Shocking Blue'

Rosa 'Smarty' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Soleil d'Or'

Rosa 'Sommergolf' - A yellow-gold climbing rose.

Rosa 'Southampton' (Floribunda) - Scented, good as a cut flower.

Rosa 'Souvenir de la Malmaison'

Rosa 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain'

Rosa 'Souvenir du St. Anne's'

Rosa 'St Nicholas' - Rich, pink flowers.

Rosa 'Suffolk' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'Summer Wine' (Climbing rose)

Rosa 'Summertime' - Patio climber. Pale yellow flowers. June through to November, grows to 6ft - disease free.

Rosa 'Sun Hit' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Super Star' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Susan'

Rosa 'Sutter's Gold'

Rosa 'Tan97159' (Hybrid tea) - A hybrid tea rose with salmon pink flowers. Presented to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at the 2005 Gardener's World Live event.

Rosa 'Teasing Georgia' - The flowers are a pale, creamy yellow colour.

Rosa 'The Fairy' (Shrub rose) - Small pink flowers.

Rosa 'The Garland'

Rosa 'The Queen of Denmark' [AGM]

Rosa 'The Times Rose' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Tip Top' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Top Marks' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Toynbee Hall' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Troika' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Trumpeter' (Rose Flor.)

Rosa 'Tuscany'

Rosa 'Tuscany Superb' - A seedling or sport of Tuscany, but is more vigourous with larger flowers which have maroon/deep red, frilly petals with yellow centres. A tough gallica rose that doesn't seem to mind being neglected. One of the top ten best roses.

Rosa 'Tynwald' (Rose H.T.)

Rosa 'Valiant Prince'

Rosa 'Variegata di Bolagna' - White flowers with pink splashes. Grows to 5ft/1.5m. Non-repeat flowering, large fragrant flowers.

Rosa 'Violet Hit' (Minature patio rose)

Rosa 'Warm Welcome'

Rosa 'Westerland' (Shrub rose)

Rosa 'William Lobb' [AGM] (CEMO) - Centifolia, French moss rose. Large clusters of deep crimson flowers fading to pale purple. 8ft high, 5ft wide.

Rosa 'William Morris' - From David Austin Roses.

Rosa 'Windrush' - Open white/cream flowers growing to 4ft/1.2m. From David Austin.

Rosa 'Zéphirine Drouhin' (Bourbon rose)

Rosa alba 'Maiden's Blush' (Shrub rose) - Pale pink flowers. A vigorous growing climber.

Rosa alba 'Maxima'

Rosa centifolia 'De Meaux' (Shrub rose)

Rosa centifolia 'Fantin Latour' (Shrub rose)

Rosa centifolia 'Henri Martin' [AGM] (Moss rose)

Rosa chinensis 'Cecile Brunner' (Shrub rose)

Rosa moyesii 'Geranium' (Shrub rose)

Rosa rugosa 'Alba'

Rosa rugosa 'Mrs A Walker' (Shrub rose)

Rosa rugosa 'Sarah Van Fleet' (Shrub rose)

Rosa rugosa 'Typica' (Shrub rose)

Rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird' (Shrub rose (S)) - An early flowering, with yellow blooms.

Seeds to sow now:

Indoors or in a heated greenhouse


Antwerp hollyhock, Fig-leaved hollyhock, Hollyhock

Aubretia, Rock cress, Aubrieta, Aubrietia

Bell pepper, Pepper, Sweet pepper

Bristly hollyhock

Brussels sprout





Common hollyhock







Ornamental pepper








Spring onion

Outside under cover

Brussels sprout










What else to plant now:

Apple & pear trees (bare rooted)

Roses (bare rooted)



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