Plants by botanic name

Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter 'e', listed by scientific/botanical (Latin) name. Click a letter of the alphabet to see a list of plants with botanic / latin names beginning with that letter. Alternatively click here to see the plants listed alphabetically by common name.


Table: Botanic names and their common name equivalent.
Botanic name Common name(s)
Echinacea Coneflower
Echinacea 'Sunseeker Mineola' Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea North American daisy, Rudbeckia, Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea 'Sunseekers White' Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea 'White Lustre' Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Coneflower, Purple coneflower
Echinocactus grusonii Golden barrel cactus
Echinochloa crus-galli Cockspur
Echinops bannaticus 'Taplow Blue' Globe thistle
Echinops ritro Thistle, Globe thistle
Echinops ritro 'Veitch's Blue' Thistle, Globe thistle
Echinops sphaerocephalus Globe thistle
Echinopsis Sea urchin cactus, Desert cactus
Echinopsis scopulicola Sea urchin cactus
Echium pininana Vipers bugloss
Echium vulgare Vipers bugloss, The flower of twilight
Edgeworthia chrysantha Mitsumata, Paper bush
Edgeworthia papyrifera Mitsumata, Paper bush
Egeria densa Large-flowered waterweed
Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth
Elaeagnus pungens Elaeagnus
Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Elaeagnus, Eleagnus
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Elaeagnus
Elaeis guineensis African Oil Palm
Eleocharis acicularis Needle spike rush
Eleocharis austriaca Northern spike rush
Eleocharis multicaulis Many-stalked spike rush
Eleocharis palustris Common spike rush
Eleocharis parvula Dwarf spike rush
Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered spike rush
Eleocharis uniglumis Slender spike rush
Eleogiton fluitans Floating club rush
Elodea callitrichoides South American waterweed
Elodea canadensis Canadian waterweed, Canadian pond weed
Elodea crispa Pond weed
Elodea nuttallii Nuttall's waterweed
Elymus caninus Bearded couch
Elymus repens Couch grass, Quitch grass, scutch grass, twitch grass
Elytrigia atherica Sea couch
Elytrigia juncea Sand couch
Elytrigia repens Common couch
Epilobium Willow-herb
Epimedium grandiflorum Barrenwort
Epimedium x perralchicum Barren Wort
Epimedium x perralchicum 'Fröhnleiten' Barren Wort
Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' Barrenwort
Epimedium x warleyense Barren Wort
Epipactis atrorubens Dark red helleborine
Epipactis gigantea False Lady's-slipper
Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine
Epipactis leptochila Narrow-lipped helleborine
Epipactis palustris Marsh helleborine
Epipactis phyllanthes Green-flowered helleborine
Epipactis purpurata Violet helleborine
Epipactis youngiana Young's helleborine
Epipogium aphyllum Ghost orchid
Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos, Devil's Ivy
Equisetum Horsetail
Equisetum arvense Common Horsetail, Field Horsetail, Mare's tail
Equisetum hyemale Rough Horsetail, Dutch Rush
Equisetum ramosissimum var. japonicum Dutch rush
Equisetum telmateia The horsetail tree
Eragrostis Lovegrass
Eragrostis 'Wind Dancer' Love grass
Eragrostis curvula African love grass, Weeping love grass
Eragrostis minor Small lovegrass
Eranthis hyemalis Winter aconite
Eranthis hyemalis 'Guinea Gold' Aconite, Winter aconite
Eremurus Foxtail lilies
Eremurus 'White Beauty Favourite' PBR Foxtail lilies
Eremurus robustus Foxtail Lily, King's spear
Erica arborea Tree heather, Tree heath
Erica cinerea Bell heather
Erica tetralix Crossleaf heath, Cross-leaved heath, Heather
Erieron karvinskianus Mexican daisy
Erigeron Fleebane
Erigeron 'Blue Beauty' Fleebane
Eriobotrya japonica Loquat
Eriocaulon aquaticum Pipewort
Eriophorum angustifolium Common cottongrass
Eriophorum gracile Slender cottongrass
Eriophorum latifolium Broad-leaved cottongrass
Eriophorum vaginatum Hare's-tail Cottongrass
Eruca sativa Salad rocket, Rocket, Garden rocket, Arugula
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa Salad rocket
Eryngium agavifolium Sea holly
Eryngium bourgatii Sea holly
Eryngium bourgatii 'Oxford Blue' Sea holly
Eryngium bourgatii 'Picos Blue' PBR Sea holly
Eryngium giganteum Miss Willmott's ghost, Asian sea holly
Eryngium giganteum 'Miss Willmott's Ghost' Sea holly
Eryngium giganteum 'Silver Ghost' Sea holly
Eryngium x zabelii 'Big Blue' Seea Holly
Eryngium x zabelii 'Jos Eiking' Seea Holly
Erysimum Wallflower, Perennial wallflower
Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' Wallflower
Erysimum 'Winter Charm' Wallflower
Erysimum alpinum Alpine wallflower
Erysimum cheiri Common wallflower, bleeding heart
Erysimum suffruticosum Common wallflower, bleeding heart
Erythronium californicum 'White Beauty' Dog's tooth violet
Erythronium dens-canis Dog's tooth violet
Erythronium kondo Dog's tooth violet
Erythronium revolutum American trout lily, Mahogany fawn lily
Eschscholzia californica California poppy
Espostoa lanata Peruvian old man cactus, Cotton ball cactus
Eucalyptus Gum tree, Ironbark
Eucalyptus glaucescens Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus gunnii FRANCE BLEU ('Rengun' PBR) Cider gum
Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' Pineapple plant, Pineapple lily
Eucomis pallidiflora subsp. pole-evansii Pole Evans pineapple lily
Eucryphia x nymansensis Nymans eucryphia
Eucryphia x nymansensis 'Nymansay' Nymans eucryphia
Euonymus Spindle tree, Spindle
Euonymus europaeus Spindle tree, Spindle
Euonymus japonicus 'Aureus' Japanese euonymus
Euonymus japonicus 'Ovatus Aureus' Japanese euonymus
Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp Agrimony, Holy Rope, Water Agrimony, Water Hemp
Eupatorium cannabinum f. cannabinum 'Flore Pleno' Double-flowered Hemp Agrimony
Eupatorium capillifolium Sneeze Weed, Dog Fennel
Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum Group Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum Group 'Riesenschirm' Joe pye weed
Eupatorium perfoliatum American Boneset, March Sage
Eupatorium purpureum Purple Joe Pye weed, Joe Pye weed, Purple boneset
Euphorbia Euphorbia
Euphorbia 'Fens Ruby' Euphorbia
Euphorbia 'Purpurea' Milkweed
Euphorbia amygdaloides Spurge
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' Spurge, Euphorbia, Milkweed
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Euphorbia, Mrs Robb's bonnet
Euphorbia characias Spurge, Euphorbia
Euphorbia corallioides Coral spurge
Euphorbia cornigera Euphorbia
Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge
Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fens Ruby' Cypress Spurge
Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' Euphorbia
Euphorbia griffithii 'Dixter' Spurge, Euphorbia
Euphorbia lathyris Euphorbia
Euphorbia mellifera Honey spurge
Euphorbia milii Crown of thorns
Euphorbia palustris Milkweed, Euphorbia, Spurge
Euphorbia polychroma Spurge, Euphorbia
Euphorbia polychroma 'Purpurea' Milkweed
Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia
Euphorbia robbiae Wood spurge
Euphorbia sikkimensis Euphorbia
Eurybia divaricata White wood aster
Eutrochium dubium Coastal plain joe-pyeweed
Eutrochium fistulosum Trumpet weed
Eutrochium maculatum Spotted joe-pyeweed, Spotted Joe Pye weed
Eutrochium purpureum Sweet-scented joe-pyeweed, Trumpet weed, Joe Pye weed, Gravel weed
Exochorda serratifolia Pearl Bush
Exochorda x macrantha 'Niagara' Pearl Bush
Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' Pearl Bush

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