Plants by botanic name
Below is a list of plant names beginning with the letter 'd', listed by scientific/botanical (Latin) name. Click a letter of the alphabet to see a list of plants with botanic / latin names beginning with that letter. Alternatively click here to see the plants listed alphabetically by common name.
Botanic name | Common name(s) |
Dactylis glomerata | Cocksfoot, Cock's foot |
Dactylis polygama | Slender cock's foot |
Dactylorhiza foliosa | Madeiran Orchid |
Dactylorhiza fuchsii | Common spotted orchid |
Dactylorhiza incarnata | Early marsh orchid |
Dactylorhiza lapponica | Lapland marsh orchid |
Dactylorhiza maculata | Heath spotted orchid |
Dactylorhiza majalis | Western marsh orchid |
Dactylorhiza praetermissa | Southern marsh orchid |
Dactylorhiza purpurella | Northern marsh orchid |
Dactylorhiza traunsteineri | Narrow-leaved marsh orchid |
Dahlia | Dahlia |
Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' | Dahlia |
Dahlia 'Burlesca' | Dahlia |
Dahlia 'Diablo' | Dahlia |
Dahlia 'Hillcrest Royal' | Dahlia |
Dahlia 'Shandy' | Dahlia |
Dahlia ('Karma Irene'PBR) | Dahlia |
Dahlia pinnata | Dahlia |
Dalbergia melanoxylon | African blackwood, Mpingo, Grenadilla, historically classified as African ebony |
Damasonium alisma | Starfruit |
Danthonia decumbens | Heath grass, Common heath grass |
Daphne bholua | Daphne |
Daphne bholua 'Gurkha' | Daphne |
Daphne cneorum | Garland flower, Rose daphne, Sweet-scented daphne |
Daphne mezereum | February daphne, Mezereum |
Daphne mezereum 'Alba' | Daphne |
Daphne mezereum 'Bowles' Variety' | Daphne |
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' | Daphne |
Darlingtonia californica | Cobra lily |
Darmera peltata | Umbrella plant |
Daucus carota 'Nantes 2-Early' | Carrot |
Daucus carota 'Resistafly' | Carrot |
Daucus carota 'Sugarsnax 54' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Autumn King' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Berlicum' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Chantenay Red Cored' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Early Nantes' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'First Pull' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Fly Away' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'James Scarlet Intermediate' | Carrot |
Daucus carota subsp. sativus 'Parabelle' | Carrot |
Davidia involucrata | Pocket handkerchief tree, Handkerchief tree, Dove tree |
Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma' | Pocket handkerchief tree, Handkerchief tree, Dove tree |
Delphinium | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Black Knight' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Blue Dawn' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Blue Jay' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Blue Nile' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Constance Rivett' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Dark Blue & White Bee' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Faust' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Galahad' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Leonora' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Pacific Hybrids Mixed' | Delphinium |
Delphinium 'Red Rocket' | Delphinium |
Delphinium Belladonna Group 'Bellamosum' | Delphinium |
Delphinium elatum 'King Arthur' | Delphinium |
Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Nights' | Siberian Larkspur |
Dendrobium | Orchid |
Dendrocnide moroides | Queensland stinger, Stinging bush |
Deschampsia cespitosa | Tussock grass, Tufted hair grass |
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldtau' | Tufted hair grass, Wavy hair grass |
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pink Lace' | Tufted hair grass, Wavy hair grass |
Deschampsia flexuosa | Wavy hair grass |
Deschampsia setacea | Bog hair grass |
Dianthus | Dianthus, Carnation, Pinks, Pink, Sweet William |
Dianthus 'Amazon Rose Magic' (Amazon Series) | Sweet William, Carnation, Dianthus |
Dianthus 'Arosa' | Carnation |
Dianthus 'Devon Dove' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus 'Doris' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus 'Gold Fleck' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus 'Grans Favourite' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins' | Pink |
Dianthus 'Pink Celebration' | Pink, Carnation, Dianthus |
Dianthus 'Pink Surprise' | Pink, Carnation, Dianthus |
Dianthus 'Prudence' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus 'Strawberries & Cream' | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dianthus barbatus | Sweet William, Bearded pink, London Pride. |
Dianthus caryophyllus | Carnation, Pinks, Pink |
Dianthus scardicus | Dianthus, Carnation, Pink |
Dicentra 'Ivory Hearts' PBR | Bleeding heart, Dicentra |
Dicentra 'Langtrees' | Bleeding heart, Dicentra |
Dicentra eximia | Dicentra |
Dicentra formosa | Dicentra |
Dicentra formosa 'Bacchanal' (AGM) | Bleeding heart |
Dicentra spectabilis | Bleeding heart, Lady in the bath, Dicentra |
Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' | Dicentra, Bleeding heart, Lady in the bath, Dicentra |
Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' | Silver nickel vine |
Dicksonia antarctica | Australian tree fern, Soft tree fern, Common tree fern |
Dictamnus albus | Dittany, Burning Bush, Candle Plant, Fire Plant |
Dierama pulcherrimum | Angels' fishing rod |
Digitalis | Foxglove |
Digitalis 'Dalmatian Mixed' | Foxglove |
Digitalis 'Gigantea' | Foxglove |
Digitalis 'Suttons Apricot' | Foxglove |
Digitalis ambigua | Foxglove |
Digitalis grandiflora | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea 'Alba' | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea 'Apricot' | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Cream' | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Group | Foxglove |
Digitalis purpurea Excelsior hybrids | Foxglove |
Digitalis x mertonensis | Strawberry foxglove |
Digitalis x valinii ILLUMINATION (Illumination Series) | Foxglove |
Digitalis x valinii ILLUMINATION APRICOT ('Tmdg1301'PBR) (Illumination Series) | Foxglove |
Digitaria ischaemum | Smooth finger grass, Small crabgrass |
Dillenia indica | Elephant Apple |
Dimorphotheca pluvialis | African Daisy, Rain Daisy, Cape Marigold, Osteospermum |
Diplotaxis | Wall-rocket |
Diplotaxis tenuifolia | Wild rocket |
Dipsacus fullonum | Teasle, Common teasle |
Doodia media | Common rasp-fern |
Doronicum caucasicum 'Little Leo' | Leopard's bane |
Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' | Leopard's bane |
Dracaena fragrans | Cornstalk dracaena, Striped dracaena, Chinese money tree |
Dracaena marginata | Dragon tree |
Dracaena trifasciata subsp. trifasciata | Snake Plant, Snake Tongue, Mother-in-law's tongue, Devil's Toungue |
Dracunculus vulgaris | Dragon arum |
Drimia maritima | Sea Squill, Crusaders' Spears |
Drosera anglica | Great sundew |
Drosera capensis | Body Snatcher Plant, Sundew Plant |
Drosera rotundifolia | Round-leaved sundew, Youth grass |
Dryas octopetala | Mountain avens |
Dryopteris 'Cristata The King' | Fern |
Dryopteris affinis | Golden male fern |
Dryopteris erythrosora | Autumn fern, Japanese painted fern |
Dryopteris filix-mas | Male fern, Fern |
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Barnesii' | Male fern |
Dryopteris wallichiana | Fern |
Dypsis lutescens | Bamboo Palm |